The Foundation is administered by a 13-member Board of Directors, chaired by Nicole Beaudoin, granddaughter of Joseph-Armand Bombardier. Strongly committed, the Directors oversee the Foundation’s sound management. 2 young people from the next generation of the family are observers. 

The Board of Directors strategically guides the Foundation, relying on several committees to ensure the smooth working of operations.

They are supported by ten committee members, including several young people from the Bombardier Family’s younger generation.

Photo administrateurs fondation

Our committed Directors (from left to right): 
First row: Louis-Philippe Gagnon (observer), Paule Fontaine, Nicole Beaudoin, Élaine Beaudoin, Nathalie Bissonnette, Isabelle Bombardier, Sylvie Archambault, Louis-Armand Bombardier  
Second row: Sébastien Roy, France Bissonnette, Alain Auclair, Marc Fontaine, Maxime Codère, Pierre S. Pyun